How to make your home scream YOU (and not some lame catalog instead)

Make your Home Scream you! (1).png

Scrolling through Pinterest envying those perfectly decorated spaces? Feeling full of house shame because you think your house can never be Pinterest worthy? 

Screw that noise!

Let me break it down for you. You're right - you will never be "perfect", and your home will never be "perfect"! Instead of trying to copy someone else's style from Pinterest I'm going to show you 3 easy steps to make your home scream you-ness, which is MUCH BETTER than "Pinterest perfect"!

Step #1

Declutter! Get rid of the things that are no longer you! Get rid of the broken things. Get rid of the projects you keep saying you'll do but haven't touched in months! Obviously they are not important to you! Keep only the things that are important... the things that you use regularly and the things that make you happy!

Step #2

What's your favorite color? Just blurt it out now - I bet you didn't say boring beige! Take your blue or green or even orange and incorporate it into your space! Be bold! Paint an entire wall with it. Shit, it's just paint - if you hate it you can repaint! What if you love it and it brightens your day whenever you come in the door?

Step #3

Add in pieces of your story. Do you have a piece from your travels? Showcase it. A collection of pez dispensers? Put it on display! Some weird piece of art you found by the dumpster you're too worried people might judge you for hanging on the wall!? It's not their house, it's yours!! You're the one that lives there everyday, so let your designer freak flag fly and make yourself happy. 

Still not entirely sure how to make your home look and feel like you? I can help! I have a knack for expressing your personality in your home your unique one-of-a-kindness.